Today, I would like to discuss with you some of the steps to follow for making your Blog in Blogger SEO friendly for search engines like Google.
It is a must for all of us to be found on the search engines. Search Engine Optimization in itself is a very wide topic. You can not sum up in a post or two. It is a continuous process.
Let's start.

Step #1
Title of your Blog Post
remember that the title of your blog post should carry related keywords
so that it becomes much easier for search engines to find your post
when that keywords are searched for.
Step #2
Adding the right Permalink
Permalink plays a great role in search engine ranking of your post.
There are few rules which everyone should follow for Blogspot
While writing a blog post, you have an option to edit the
permalink. Simply use it to edit your permalink and remove the stop
words. A good idea is to just use Keywords in your permalink. (Don’t
make it look spammy). While writing blog post, you get option in your
right panel to keep it automatic permalink or manual permalink. Simply
select manual permalink and edit it according to your wish. Check this
screenshot for example.
Step #3
Maintaining Keyword Density

Step #4
Use of proper Labels in related posts
should always remember to make use of labels in your posts in a wider
form rather then in narrow category. For example, while you are writing
on Google Chrome instead of using browser as labels it is advisable to
use Google Chrome Browser or Google Chrome as labels. This would extend
your reach when the post is categorized.
Step #5
Post title before the blog title
To make your blog more SEO friendly it is a must that Title of each of your post appears before the title of your blog itself.
This could be achieved as follows :
In the Dashboard of Blogger go to edit Template - HTML - find out code section

Now the individual pages will have post title itself .
As I already told you SEO is not a days work. So, I will keep on writing more on this topic.
Keep reading and stay connected.
Also Read : How to add SiteMap in Blogger ?